bt /r <讀取料號信息,坐標為02 7H>
bt /w 27 5a <寫入料號信息,坐標為92 7H,寫入內容為5a,注意中間都有空格>
返回值為return = 0 <表示修改成功>
-S : String format
-FN : filename
-L: within <begin> <end> Limits
-C <block>: Select block, CNFG,MFG0 are available now, default is MFG0
/W <offset> <data>: Write data to the offset in BIOS flash ROM
/W1 <offset> : Write barcode to BIOS flash ROM from offset
/R <offset> <data>: Read the offset data & check it
/RBit <offset> <Data>: read bit(data bit6~4) data and check with bit0
/WBit <offset> <Data>: Set(bit0=1) or Clear(bit0=0) Bit(data bit6~4)
/PD: System soft off
/CB: Clear reserved block in BIOS ROM
/WF <fn1> <fn2> .. <fnN>: Write data in file into BIOS ROM
/RF: Read data in BIOS ROM and restore to file
返回代碼: OK(0), ERROR(-1)
BT.exe -s /r 9 9ABCD -> Read the 9th offset data & check it is '9ABCD'
BT.exe /rbit 2 21 -> Read 2nd offset data and check if bit2 is 1
BT.exe -l /w1 60 69-> Write barcode to the 60h~69h offset
BT.exe -l /r 60 69 > TEMP.DAT-> Read 60h~69h data & output TEMP.DAT
BT.exe -fn fl.txt /wf -> Write data in file described in fl.txt to BIOS ROM
BT.exe /wf d1.dat d2.dat -> Write data in d1.dat & d2.dat file to BIOS ROM
2. 對于想要使用VISTA恢復盤來安裝旗艦版,使用下面的命令
純DOS下, 輸入:bt / w 27 47 (注意:中間有空格)
當提示: return = 0 說明修改成功
BT /r 27 (讀偏移27H處的字節(jié),27H處放置的是WIN7恢復盤的版本代碼)
BT /w 27 5A (把5AH寫入偏移27H處)
當提示: return = 0 說明修改成功
52 是HB 54 是HP 58是PR 5A是UL <windows 7 X86>
52 是HB 54 是HP 58是PR 5A是UL <windows 7 X64>
41 是HB 43 是HP 45是PR 47是UL <windows vista X86>
42 是HB 44 是HP 46是PR 4A是UL <windows vista X64>