- Bug fixed when browsing through last days of months
- Many bug fixes (thanks to all forum posters)
- Min/Max selectable dates now in the date editor interface
- Improvements regarding property change listeners (better null date support)
- New method "cleanup" in JDateChooser
- UI & Look & Feel improvements (especially Windows L&F)
- JCalendar supports a date range of selectable dates
- JDayChooser can now limit the number of characters in day Names (e.g. Mo instead of Mon)
- Many bug fixes (thanks to all forum posters)
- Better handling of null dates in JDateChooser
- Introduction of the interface IDateEditor
- JTextFieldDateEditor (the default editor) supports custom date patterns and masks
- JSpinnerDateEditor is an implemantation of IDateEditor based on a JSpinner
- JDateChooser Table editor (including table demo)
- Both the zip and the jar files contain the version in the name, e.g. jcalendar-3.1.0.jar
- Bug in DateChooser.setModel fixed (thanks to Martin Pietruschka)
- NullPointer exception bug on DateChooser.setDate fixed (thanks to Aleksey Gureev and others).
- JDateChooser bug fixed (sometimes the date was 1 day ahead of the selected date, many thanks
to Mark Brown and all the others who reported this bug).
- JDateChooser improvements for better usability in persistence frameworks like Oracle's ADF/BC4J
(thanks to Mark Brown).
- Many small improvements and bug fixes, thanks to many comments of JCalendar users
- A new JDateChooser bean, which allows to be used as an editable date field and a calendar image, that pops up a JCalendar for choosing the date.
- An optional "week of year" panel in JDayChooser
- Better customization of most beans
- Improvements in all BeanInfos
- Bundling with my favorite Look and Feel: JGoodies Looks (www.jgoodies.com)