星露谷物語stardew valley中如果想完成全收集指南的話除了自己收集就只有利用存檔修改了,下面小編就來給大家介紹一下星露谷物語stardew valley修改存檔完成全收集指南,希望能幫助各位玩家!
拿大家最喜愛的Prismatic Shard(彩虹石)為例子
<Item xsi:type="Object"><specialVariable>0</specialVariable><category>-2</category><specialItem>false</specialItem><hasBeenInInventory>true</hasBeenInInventory><Name>Ruby</Name><Stack>7</Stack><tileLocation><X>0</X><Y>0</Y></tileLocation><parentSheetIndex>64</parentSheetIndex><owner>0</owner><name>Ruby</name><type>Minerals</type><canBeSetDown>true</canBeSetDown><canBeGrabbed>true</canBeGrabbed><isHoedirt>false</isHoedirt><isSpawnedObject>false</isSpawnedObject><questItem>false</questItem><isOn>true</isOn><fragility>0</fragility><price>150</price><edibility>-300</edibility><stack>7</stack><quality>0</quality><bigCraftable>false</bigCraftable><setOutdoors>false</setOutdoors><setIndoors>false</setIndoors><readyForHarvest>false</readyForHarvest><showNextIndex>false</showNextIndex><flipped>true</flipped><hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer>true</hasBeenPickedUpByFarmer><isRecipe>false</isRecipe><isLamp>false</isLamp><minutesUntilReady>0</minutesUntilReady><boundingBox><X>0</X><Y>0</Y><Width>64</Width><Height>64</Height><Location><X>0</X><Y>0</Y></Location></boundingBox><scale><X>0</X><Y>0</Y></scale></Item>
把兩個Ruby都改成Prismatic Shard
改完以后游戲中該物品就叫Prismatic Shard了,但它依然還是一塊Ruby
現(xiàn)在這塊石頭真的變成了Prismatic Shard彩虹石
0: "Weeds/0/-1/Basic/A bunch of obnoxious weeds." #!String
2: "Stone/0/-300/Basic/A useful material when broken with the Pickaxe." #!String
4: "Stone/0/-300/Basic/A useful material when chopped with the axe." #!String
16: "Wild Horseradish/50/5/Basic -81/A spicy root found in the spring." #!String
18: "Daffodil/30/0/Basic -81/A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift." #!String
20: "Leek/60/16/Basic -81/A tasty relative of the onion." #!String
22: "Dandelion/40/10/Basic -81/Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad." #!String
24: "Parsnip/35/10/Basic -75/A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is full of nutrients." #!String
30: "Lumber/2/10/Basic/A versatile resource used for building and fuel." #!String
60: "Emerald/250/-300/Minerals -2/A precious stone with a brilliant green color." #!String
62: "Aquamarine/180/-300/Minerals -2/A shimmery blue-green gem ." #!String
64: "Ruby/250/-300/Minerals -2/A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster." #!String
66: "Amethyst/100/-300/Minerals -2/A purple variant of quartz." #!String
68: "Topaz/80/-300/Minerals -2/Fairly common but still prized for its beauty." #!String
70: "Jade/200/-300/Minerals -2/A pale green ornamental stone." #!String
72: "Diamond/750/-300/Minerals -2/A rare and valuable gem." #!String
74: "Prismatic Shard/2000/-300/Minerals -2/A very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins." #!String
78: "Cave Carrot/25/12/Basic -81/A starchy snack found in caves. It helps miners work longer." #!String
80: "Quartz/25/-300/Minerals -2/A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines." #!String
82: "Fire Quartz/100/-300/Minerals -2/A glowing red crystal commonly found near hot lava." #!String
84: "Frozen Tear/75/-300/Minerals -2/A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti." #!String
86: "Earth Crystal/50/-300/Minerals -2/A resinous substance found near the surface." #!String
88: "Coconut/100/-300/Basic -79/A seed of the coconut palm. It has many culinary uses." #!String
90: "Cactus Fruit/75/30/Basic -79/The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus." #!String
92: "Sap/2/-1/Basic -81/A fluid obtained from trees." #!String
93: "Torch/5/-300/Crafting/Provides a modest amount of light." #!String
94: "Spirit Torch/5/-300/Crafting/It's unclear where the blue color comes from..." #!String
96: "Dwarf Scroll I/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a red bow.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99" #!String
97: "Dwarf Scroll II/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a green ribbon.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99" #!String
98: "Dwarf Scroll III/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a blue rope.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99" #!String
99: "Dwarf Scroll IV/1/-300/Arch/A yellowed scroll of parchment filled with dwarven script. This one's tied with a golden chain.//Set Dwarf 96 97 98 99" #!String
100: "Chipped Amphora/40/-300/Arch/An ancient vessel made of ceramic material. Used to transport both dry and wet goods./Town .04/Item 3 461" #!String
101: "Arrowhead/40/-300/Arch/A crudely fashioned point used for hunting./Mountain .02 Forest .02 BusStop .02/Debris 2 30 14" #!String
102: "Lost Book/50/-300/asdf/Writings from a wide variety of time periods./Town .05/Note" #!String
103: "Ancient Doll/60/-300/Arch/An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual./Mountain .04 Forest .03 BusStop .03 Town .01/Money 1 250" #!String
104: "Elvish Jewelry/200/-300/Arch/Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found./Forest .01/Debris 1 20 6" #!String
105: "Chewing Stick/50/-300/Arch/Ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean./Mountain .02 Town .01 Forest .02/Decor 10 28" #!String
106: "Ornamental Fan/300/-300/Arch/This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy./Beach .02 Town .008 Forest .01/Money 1 300" #!String
107: "Dinosaur Egg/350/-300/Arch/A giant dino egg... The entire shell is still intact!/Mine .01 Mountain .008/Item 1 107" #!String
108: "Rare Disc/300/-300/Arch/A heavy black disc studded with peculiar red stones. When you hold it, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of dread./UndergroundMine .01/Decor 1 29" #!String
109: "Ancient Sword/100/-300/Arch/It's the remains of an ancient sword. Most of the blade has turned to rust, but the hilt is very finely crafted./Forest .01 Mountain .008/Debris 1 30 2" #!String
110: "Rusty Spoon/25/-300/Arch/A plain old spoon, probably ten years old. Not very interesting./Town .05/Debris 5 30 2" #!String
111: "Rusty Spur/25/-300/Arch/An old spur that was once attached to a cowboy's boot. People must have been raising animals in this area for many generations./Farm .1/Money 1 100" #!String
112: "Rusty Cog/25/-300/Arch/A well preserved cog that must have been part of some ancient machine. This could be dwarven technology./Mountain .05/Debris 1 20 4" #!String
113: "Chicken Statue/50/-300/Arch/It's a statue of a chicken on a bronze base. The ancient people of this area must have been very fond of chickens./Farm .1/Decor 5 31" #!String
114: "Ancient Seed/5/-300/Arch/It's a dry old seed from some ancient plant. By all appearances it's long since dead.../Forest .01 Mountain .01/Seeds 9" #!String
115: "Prehistoric Tool/50/-300/Arch/Some kind of gnarly old digging tool./Mountain .03 Forest .03 BusStop .04/Debris 1 30 12" #!String
116: "Dried Starfish/40/-300/Arch/A starfish from the primordial ocean. It's an unusually pristine specimen!/Beach .1/Money 1 200" #!String
117: "Anchor/100/-300/Arch/It may have belonged to ancient pirates./Beach .05/Item 1 289" #!String
118: "Glass Shards/20/-300/Arch/A mixture of glass shards smoothed by centuries of ocean surf. These could have belonged to an ancient mosaic or necklace./Beach .1/Item 1 462" #!String
119: "Bone Flute/100/-300/Arch/It's a prehistoric wind instrument carved from an animal's bone. It produces an eerie tone./Mountain .01 Forest .01 UndergroundMine .02 Town .005/Recipe 2 Flute_Block 150" #!String
120: "Prehistoric Handaxe/50/-300/Arch/One of the earliest tools employed by humans. This \"crude\" tool was created by striking one rock with another to form a sharp edge./Mountain .05 Forest .05 BusStop .05/Item 1 294" #!String
121: "Dwarvish Helm/100/-300/Arch/It's one of the helmets commonly worn by dwarves. The thick metal plating protects them from falling debris and stalactites./UndergroundMine .01/Debris 1 50 0" #!String
122: "Dwarf Gadget/200/-300/Arch/It's a piece of the advanced technology once known to the dwarves. It's still glowing and humming, but you're unable to understand how it works./UndergroundMine .001/Money 1 500" #!String
123: "Ancient Drum/100/-300/Arch/It's a drum made from wood and animal skin. It has a low, reverberating tone./BusStop .01 Forest .01 UndergroundMine .02 Town .005/Recipe 2 Drum_Block 300" #!String
124: "Golden Mask/500/-300/Arch/A creepy golden mask probably used in an ancient magic ritual. A socket in the forehead contains a large purple gemstone./Desert .04/Money 1 1000" #!String
125: "Golden Relic/250/-300/Arch/It's a golden slab with heiroglyphs and pictures emblazoned onto the front./Desert .08/Debris 1 40 6" #!String
126: "Strange Doll/1000/-300/Arch/???/Farm .001 Town .001 Mountain .001 Forest .001 BusStop .001 Beach .001 UndergroundMine .001/Item 1 126" #!String
127: "Strange Doll/1000/-300/Arch/???/Farm .001 Town .001 Mountain .001 Forest .001 BusStop .001 Beach .001 UndergroundMine .001/Item 1 127" #!String
128: "Pufferfish/200/-40/Fish -4/Inflates when threatened./Day^Summer" #!String
129: "Anchovy/30/5/Fish -4/A small silver fish found in the ocean./Day Night^Spring Fall" #!String
130: "Tuna/100/15/Fish -4/A large fish that lives in the ocean./Day^Summer Winter" #!String
131: "Sardine/40/5/Fish -4/A common ocean fish./Day^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
132: "Bream/45/5/Fish -4/A fairly common river fish that becomes active at night./Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
136: "Largemouth Bass/100/15/Fish -4/A popular fish that lives in lakes./Day^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
137: "Smallmouth Bass/50/10/Fish -4/A freshwater fish that is very sensitive to pollution./Day Night^Spring Fall" #!String
138: "Rainbow Trout/65/10/Fish -4/A freshwater trout with colorful markings./Day^Summer" #!String
139: "Salmon/75/15/Fish -4/Swims upstream to lay its eggs./Day^Fall" #!String
140: "Walleye/105/12/Fish -4/A freshwater fish caught at night./Night^Fall Winter" #!String
141: "Perch/55/10/Fish -4/A freshwater fish of the winter./Day Night^Winter" #!String
142: "Carp/30/5/Fish -4/A common pond fish./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall" #!String
143: "Catfish/200/20/Fish -4/An uncommon fish found in streams./Day^Spring Fall Winter" #!String
144: "Pike/100/15/Fish -4/A freshwater fish that's difficult to catch./Day Night^Summer Winter" #!String
145: "Sunfish/30/5/Fish -4/A common river fish./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
146: "Red Mullet/75/10/Fish -4/Long ago these were kept as pets./Day^Summer Winter" #!String
147: "Herring/30/5/Fish -4/A common ocean fish./Day Night^Spring Winter" #!String
148: "Eel/85/12/Fish -4/A long, slippery little fish./Night^Spring Fall" #!String
149: "Octopus/150/-300/Fish -4/A mysterious and intelligent creature./Day^Summer" #!String
150: "Red Snapper/50/10/Fish -4/A popular fish with a nice red color./Day^Summer Fall Winter" #!String
151: "Squid/80/10/Fish -4/A deep sea creature that can grow to enormous size./Day^Winter" #!String
152: "Seaweed/20/5/Fish/It can be used in cooking./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
153: "Green Algae/15/5/Fish/It's really slimy./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
154: "Sea Cucumber/75/-10/Fish/A slippery, slimy creature found on the ocean floor./Day^Fall Winter" #!String
155: "Super Cucumber/250/50/Fish -4/A rare, purple variety of sea cucumber./Night^Summer Fall" #!String
156: "Ghostfish/45/15/Fish -4/A pale, blind fish found in underground lakes./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
157: "White Algae/25/8/Fish/It's super slimy./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
158: "Stonefish/300/-300/Fish -4/A bizarre fish that's shaped like a brick./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
159: "Crimsonfish/1500/15/Fish -4/Lives deep in the ocean but likes to lay its eggs in the warm summer water./Day^Winter" #!String
160: "Angler/900/10/Fish -4/Uses a bioluminescent dangler to attract prey./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
161: "Ice Pip/500/15/Fish -4/A rare fish that thrives in extremely cold conditions./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
162: "Lava Eel/700/20/Fish -4/It can somehow survive in pools of red-hot lava./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
163: "Legend/5000/200/Fish -4/The king of all fish! They said he'd never be caught./Day^Winter" #!String
164: "Sandfish/75/5/Fish -4/It tries to hide using camouflage./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
165: "Scorpion Carp/150/-50/Fish -4/It's like a regular carp but with a sharp stinger./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
166: "Treasure Chest/5000/-300/Basic/Wow, it's loaded with treasure! This is sure to fetch a good price./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
167: "Joja Cola/25/5/Fish -20/The flagship product of Joja corporation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
168: "Trash/0/-300/Fish -20/It's junk./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
169: "Driftwood/0/-300/Fish -20/A piece of wood from the sea./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
170: "Broken Glasses/0/-300/Fish -20/It looks like someone lost their glasses. They're busted./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
171: "Broken CD/0/-300/Fish -20/It's a JojaNet 2.0 trial CD. They must've made a billion of these things./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
172: "Soggy Newspaper/0/-300/Fish -20/This is trash./Day Night^Spring Summer Fall Winter" #!String
174: "Large Egg/50/15/Basic -5/It's an uncommonly large white egg!" #!String
176: "Egg/25/10/Basic -5/A regular white chicken egg." #!String
178: "Hay/0/-300/Basic/Dried grass used as animal food." #!String
180: "Egg/25/10/Basic -5/A regular brown chicken egg." #!String
182: "Large Egg/50/15/Basic -5/It's an uncommonly large brown egg!" #!String
184: "Milk/85/15/Basic -6/A jug of cow's milk./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
186: "Large Milk/110/20/Basic -6/A large jug of cow's milk./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
188: "Green Bean/40/10/Basic -75/A juicy little bean with a cool, crisp snap." #!String
190: "Cauliflower/175/30/Basic -75/Valuable, but slow-growing. Despite its pale color, the florets are packed with nutrients." #!String
192: "Potato/80/10/Basic -75/A widely cultivated tuber." #!String
194: "Fried Egg/35/20/Cooking -7/Sunny-side up./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
195: "Omelet/125/40/Cooking -7/It's super fluffy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
196: "Salad/110/45/Cooking -7/A healthy garden salad./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
197: "Cheese Cauliflower/300/55/Cooking -7/It smells great!/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
198: "Baked Fish/100/30/Cooking -7/Baked fish on a bed of herbs./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
199: "Parsnip Soup/120/34/Cooking -7/It's fresh and hearty./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
200: "Vegetable Medley/120/66/Cooking -7/This is very nutritious./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
201: "Complete Breakfast/350/80/Cooking -7/You'll feel ready to take on the world!/food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0/600" #!String
202: "Fried Calamari/150/32/Cooking -7/It's so chewy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
203: "Strange Bun/175/20/Cooking -7/What's inside?/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
204: "Lucky Lunch/250/40/Cooking -7/A special little meal./food/0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/960" #!String
205: "Fried Mushroom/200/54/Cooking -7/Earthy and aromatic./food/0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/600" #!String
206: "Pizza/300/60/Cooking -7/It's popular for all the right reasons./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
207: "Bean Hotpot/100/50/Cooking -7/It sure is healthy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0/600" #!String
208: "Glazed Yams/200/80/Cooking -7/Sweet and satisfying... The sugar gives it a hint of caramel flavor./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
209: "Carp Surprise/150/36/Cooking -7/It's bland and oily./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
210: "Hashbrowns/120/36/Cooking -7/Crispy and golden-brown!/food/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/480" #!String
211: "Pancakes/80/36/Cooking -7/A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes./food/0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0/960" #!String
212: "Salmon Dinner/300/50/Cooking -7/The lemon spritz makes it special./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
213: "Fish Taco/500/66/Cooking -7/It smells delicious./food/0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/600" #!String
214: "Crispy Bass/150/36/Cooking -7/Wow, the breading is perfect./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 0/600" #!String
215: "Pepper Poppers/200/52/Cooking -7/Spicy breaded peppers filled with cheese./food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/600" #!String
216: "Bread/60/20/Cooking -7/A crusty baguette./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
218: "Tom Kha Soup/250/70/Cooking -7/These flavors are incredible!/food/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0/600" #!String
219: "Trout Soup/100/40/Cooking -7/Pretty salty./food/0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/400" #!String
220: "Chocolate Cake/200/60/Cooking -7/Rich and moist with a thick fudge icing./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
221: "Pink Cake/480/100/Cooking -7/There's little heart candies on top./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
222: "Rhubarb Pie/400/86/Cooking -7/Mmm, tangy and sweet!/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
223: "Cookie/140/36/Cooking -7/Very chewy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
224: "Spaghetti/120/30/Cooking -7/An old favorite./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
225: "Fried Eel/120/30/Cooking -7/Greasy but flavorful./food/0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/600" #!String
226: "Spicy Eel/175/46/Cooking -7/It's really spicy! Be careful./food/0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0/600" #!String
227: "Sashimi/75/30/Cooking -7/Raw fish sliced into thin pieces./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
228: "Maki Roll/220/40/Cooking -7/Fish and rice wrapped in seaweed./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
229: "Tortilla/75/20/Cooking -7/Can be used as a vessel for food or eaten by itself./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
230: "Red Plate/400/96/Cooking -7/Full of antioxidants./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0/300" #!String
231: "Eggplant Parmesan/200/70/Cooking -7/Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful./food/0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/400" #!String
232: "Rice Pudding/260/46/Cooking -7/It's creamy, sweet, and fun to eat./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
233: "Ice Cream/120/40/Cooking -7/It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
234: "Blueberry Tart/180/50/Cooking -7/It's subtle and refreshing./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
235: "Autumn's Bounty/350/88/Cooking -7/A taste of the season./food/0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2/660" #!String
236: "Pumpkin Soup/300/80/Cooking -7/A seasonal favorite./food/0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2/660" #!String
237: "Super Meal/220/64/Cooking -7/It's a really energizing meal./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 1 0/300" #!String
238: "Cranberry Sauce/175/50/Cooking -7/A festive treat./food/0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/300" #!String
239: "Stuffing/220/68/Cooking -7/Ahh... the smell of warm bread and sage./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/480" #!String
240: "Farmer's Lunch/150/80/Cooking -7/This'll keep you going./food/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/480" #!String
241: "Survival Burger/180/50/Cooking -7/A convenient snack for the explorer./food/0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0/480" #!String
242: "Dish O' The Sea/220/60/Cooking -7/This'll keep you warm in the cold sea air./food/0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/480" #!String
243: "Miner's Treat/200/50/Cooking -7/This should keep your energy up./food/0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0/480" #!String
244: "Roots Platter/100/50/Cooking -7/This'll get you digging for more./food/0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/480" #!String
245: "Sugar/50/10/Basic/Adds sweetness to pastries and candies. Too much can be unhealthy." #!String
246: "Wheat Flour/50/5/Basic/A common cooking ingredient made from crushed wheat seeds." #!String
247: "Oil/100/5/Basic/All purpose cooking oil." #!String
248: "Garlic/60/8/Basic -75/Adds a wonderful zestiness to dishes. High quality garlic can be pretty spicy." #!String
250: "Kale/110/20/Basic -75/The waxy leaves are great in soups and stir frys." #!String
252: "Rhubarb/220/-300/Basic -79/The stalks are extremely tart, but make a great dessert when sweetened." #!String
254: "Melon/250/45/Basic -79/A cool, sweet summer treat." #!String
256: "Tomato/60/8/Basic -75/Rich and slightly tangy, the Tomato has a wide variety of culinary uses." #!String
257: "Morel/150/8/Basic -81/Sought after for its unique nutty flavor." #!String
258: "Blueberry/80/10/Basic -79/A popular berry reported to have many health benefits. The blue skin has the highest nutrient concentration." #!String
259: "Fiddlehead Fern/90/10/Basic -75/The young shoots are an edible specialty." #!String
260: "Hot Pepper/40/5/Basic -79/Fiery hot with a hint of sweetness." #!String
262: "Wheat/25/-300/Basic -75/One of the most widely cultivated grains. Makes a great flour for breads and cakes." #!String
264: "Radish/90/18/Basic -75/A crisp and refreshing root vegetable with hints of pepper when eaten raw." #!String
266: "Red Cabbage/260/30/Basic -75/Often used in salads and coleslaws. The color can range from purple to blue to green-yellow depending on soil conditions." #!String
268: "Starfruit/800/50/Basic -79/An extremely juicy fruit that grows in hot, humid weather. Slightly sweet with a sour undertone." #!String
270: "Corn/50/10/Basic -75/One of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh cobs are a summer favorite." #!String
272: "Eggplant/60/8/Basic -75/A rich and wholesome relative of the tomato. Delicious fried or stewed." #!String
274: "Artichoke/160/12/Basic -75/The bud of a thistle plant. The spiny outer leaves conceal a fleshy, filling interior." #!String
276: "Pumpkin/320/-300/Basic -75/A fall favorite, grown for its crunchy seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be carved into a festive decoration." #!String
278: "Bok Choy/80/10/Basic -75/The leafy greens and fibrous stalks are healthy and delicious." #!String
280: "Yam/160/18/Basic -75/A starchy tuber with a lot of culinary versatility." #!String
281: "Chanterelle/160/30/Basic -81/A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor." #!String
282: "Cranberries/130/15/Basic -79/These tart red berries are a traditional winter food." #!String
283: "Holly/80/15/Basic -81/The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration." #!String
284: "Beet/100/12/Basic -75/A sweet and earthy root vegatable. As a bonus, the leaves make a great salad." #!String
286: "Cherry Bomb/50/-300/Crafting -8/Generates a small explosion. Stand back!" #!String
287: "Bomb/50/-300/Crafting -8/Generates an explosion. Watch out!" #!String
288: "Mega Bomb/50/-300/Crafting -8/Generates a powerful explosion. Use with extreme caution." #!String
290: "Stone/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
294: "Twig/1/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
295: "Twig/1/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
296: "Salmonberry/5/10/Basic -79/A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest." #!String
297: "Grass Starter/50/-300/Crafting/Place this on your farm to start a new patch of grass." #!String
298: "Hardwood Fence/10/-300/Crafting -8/The most durable type of fence." #!String
299: "Amaranth Seeds/35/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 7 days to grow. Harvest with the scythe." #!String
300: "Amaranth/150/20/Basic -75/A purple grain cultivated by an ancient civilization." #!String
301: "Grape Starter/30/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 10 days to grow, but keeps producing after that. Grows on a trellis." #!String
302: "Hops Starter/30/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 11 days to grow, but keeps producing after that. Grows on a trellis." #!String
303: "Pale Ale/300/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
304: "Hops/25/18/Basic -75/A bitter, tangy flower used to flavor beer." #!String
305: "Void Egg/50/15/Basic -5/A jet-black egg with red flecks. It's warm to the touch." #!String
306: "Mayonnaise/100/-300/Basic -26/It looks spreadable." #!String
307: "Duck Mayonnaise/200/-300/Basic -26/It's a rich, yellow mayonnaise." #!String
309: "Acorn/20/-300/Crafting -74/Place this on your farm to plant an oak tree." #!String
310: "Maple Seed/5/-300/Crafting -74/Place this on your farm to plant a maple tree." #!String
311: "Pine Cone/5/-300/Crafting -74/Place this on your farm to plant a pine tree." #!String
313: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
314: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
315: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
316: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
317: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
318: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
319: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
320: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
321: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String
322: "Wood Fence/1/-300/Crafting -8/Keeps grass and animals contained!" #!String
323: "Stone Fence/2/-300/Crafting -8/Lasts longer than a wood fence." #!String
324: "Iron Fence/6/-300/Crafting -8/Lasts longer than a stone fence." #!String
325: "Gate/4/-300/Crafting -8/Allows you to pass through a fence." #!String
326: "Dwarvish Translation Guide/50/-300/Crafting -8/Teaches you dwarvish." #!String
328: "Wood Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to decorate your floors." #!String
329: "Stone Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
330: "Clay/20/-300/Basic -16/Used in crafting and construction." #!String
331: "Weathered Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
333: "Crystal Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
334: "Copper Bar/60/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure copper." #!String
335: "Iron Bar/120/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure iron." #!String
336: "Gold Bar/250/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure gold." #!String
337: "Iridium Bar/1000/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure iridium." #!String
338: "Refined Quartz/50/-300/Basic -15/A more pure form of quartz." #!String
340: "Honey/200/-300/Basic -26/It's a sweet syrup produced by bees." #!String
341: "Tea Set/200/-300/Basic -24/Fine porcelain." #!String
342: "Pickles/100/-300/Basic -26/A jar of your home-made pickles." #!String
343: "Stone/100/-300/Basic/Stone." #!String
344: "Jelly/160/-300/Basic -26/Gooey." #!String
346: "Beer/200/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
347: "Rare Seed/200/-300/Seeds -74/Sow in fall. Takes all season to grow." #!String
348: "Wine/400/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
349: "Energy Tonic/500/200/Crafting/Restores a lot of energy./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
350: "Juice/150/30/Basic -26/A sweet, nutritious beverage./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
351: "Muscle Remedy/500/20/Crafting/When you've pushed your body too hard, drink this to remove 'Exhaustion'./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
368: "Basic Fertilizer/2/-300/Basic -19/Improves soil quality a little, increasing your chance to grow quality crops. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
369: "Quality Fertilizer/10/-300/Basic -19/Improves soil quality, increasing your chance to grow quality crops. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
370: "Basic Retaining Soil/4/-300/Basic -19/This soil has a chance of staying watered overnight. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
371: "Quality Retaining Soil/5/-300/Basic -19/This soil has a good chance of staying watered overnight. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
372: "Clam/50/-300/Basic -23/Someone lived here once." #!String
373: "Golden Pumpkin/2500/-300/Basic/It's valuable but has no other purpose." #!String
376: "Poppy/140/18/Basic -80/In addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses." #!String
378: "Copper Ore/5/-300/Basic -15/A common ore that can be smelted into bars." #!String
380: "Iron Ore/10/-300/Basic -15/A fairly common ore that can be smelted into bars." #!String
382: "Coal/15/-300/Basic -15/A combustible rock that is useful for crafting and smelting." #!String
384: "Gold Ore/25/-300/Basic -15/A precious ore that can be smelted into bars." #!String
386: "Iridium Ore/100/-300/Basic -15/An exotic ore with many curious properties. Can be smelted into bars." #!String
388: "Wood/2/-300/Basic -16/A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses." #!String
390: "Stone/2/-300/Basic -16/A common material with many uses in crafting and building." #!String
392: "Nautilus Shell/120/-300/Basic -23/An ancient shell." #!String
393: "Coral/80/-300/Basic -23/A colony of tiny creatures that clump together to form beautiful structures." #!String
394: "Rainbow Shell/300/-300/Basic -23/It's a very beautiful shell." #!String
395: "Coffee/150/1/Crafting/It smells delicious. This is sure to give you a boost./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0/120" #!String
396: "Spice Berry/80/10/Basic -79/It fills the air with a pungent aroma." #!String
397: "Sea Urchin/160/-300/Basic -23/A slow-moving, spiny creature that some consider a delicacy." #!String
398: "Grape/80/15/Basic -79/A sweet cluster of fruit." #!String
399: "Spring Onion/8/5/Basic -81/These grow wild during the spring." #!String
400: "Strawberry/120/20/Basic -79/A sweet, juicy favorite with an appealing red color." #!String
401: "Straw Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
402: "Sweet Pea/50/0/Basic -80/A fragrant summer flower." #!String
403: "Field Snack/20/18/Crafting/A quick snack to fuel the hungry forager." #!String
404: "Common Mushroom/40/15/Basic -81/Slightly nutty, with good texture." #!String
405: "Wood Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
406: "Wild Plum/80/10/Basic -81/Tart and juicy with a pungent aroma." #!String
407: "Gravel Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
408: "Hazelnut/90/12/Basic -81/That's one big hazelnut!" #!String
409: "Crystal Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
410: "Blackberry/20/10/Basic -79/An early-fall treat." #!String
411: "Cobblestone Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String
412: "Winter Root/70/10/Basic -81/A starchy tuber." #!String
413: "Blue Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String
414: "Crystal Fruit/150/25/Basic -79/A delicate fruit that pops up from the snow." #!String
416: "Snow Yam/100/12/Basic -81/This little yam was hiding beneath the snow." #!String
417: "Sweet Gem Berry/3000/-300/Basic -17/It's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled." #!String
418: "Crocus/60/0/Basic -80/A flower that can bloom in the winter." #!String
419: "Vinegar/100/5/Basic/An aged fermented liquid used in many cooking recipes./drink" #!String
420: "Red Mushroom/75/-20/Basic -81/A spotted mushroom sometimes found in caves." #!String
421: "Sunflower/80/18/Basic -80/A common misconception is that the flower turns so it's always facing the sun." #!String
422: "Purple Mushroom/250/50/Basic -81/A rare mushroom found deep in caves." #!String
423: "Rice/100/5/Basic/A basic grain often served under vegetables." #!String
424: "Cheese/100/50/Basic -26/It's your basic cheese." #!String
425: "Fairy Seeds/100/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in fall. Takes 12 days to produce a mysterious flower. Assorted Colors." #!String
426: "Goat Cheese/200/50/Basic -26/Soft cheese made from goat's milk." #!String
427: "Tulip Bulb/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in spring. Takes 6 days to produce a colorful flower. Assorted colors." #!String
428: "Cloth/375/-300/Basic -26/A bolt of fine wool cloth." #!String
429: "Jazz Seeds/15/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in spring. Takes 7 days to produce a blue puffball flower." #!String
430: "Truffle/500/5/Basic -17/A gourmet type of mushroom with a unique taste." #!String
431: "Sunflower Seeds/20/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in fall. Takes 8 days to produce a large sunflower. Yields more seeds at harvest." #!String
432: "Truffle Oil/850/15/Basic -26/A gourmet cooking ingredient." #!String
434: "Stardrop/7777/100/Crafting/A mysterious fruit that empowers those who eat it. The flavor is like a dream... a powerful personal experience, yet difficult to describe to others." #!String
436: "Goat Milk/150/25/Basic -6/The milk of a goat./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
437: "Red Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String
438: "L. Goat Milk/250/35/Basic -6/A gallon of creamy goat's milk./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
439: "Purple Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String
440: "Wool/270/-300/Basic -18/Soft, fluffy wool." #!String
441: "Explosive Ammo/20/-300/Basic/Fire this with the slingshot." #!String
442: "Duck Egg/50/15/Basic -5/It's still warm." #!String
444: "Duck Feather/100/-300/Basic -18/It's so colorful." #!String
446: "Rabbit's Foot/450/-300/Basic -18/Some say it's lucky." #!String
449: "Stone Base/0/-300/asdf/A simple block of stone." #!String
450: "Stone/0/-300/asdf/Stone." #!String
452: "Weeds/0/-300/asdf/A cluster of dry old bushes." #!String
453: "Poppy Seeds/50/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in summer. Produces a bright red flower in 7 days." #!String
454: "Ancient Fruit/750/-300/Basic -79/It's been dormant for eons." #!String
455: "Spangle Seeds/25/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in summer. Takes 8 days to produce a vibrant tropical flower. Assorted colors." #!String
456: "Algae Soup/100/30/Cooking -7/It's a little slimy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
457: "Pale Broth/150/50/Cooking -7/A delicate broth with a hint of sulfur./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
458: "Bouquet/100/-300/Basic/A gift that shows your romantic interest." #!String
460: "Mermaid's Pendant/2500/-300/Crafting/Give this to the person you want to marry." #!String
461: "Decorative Pot/200/-300/Crafting/A replica of an ancient pot." #!String
463: "Drum Block/100/-300/Crafting/Plays a drum sound when you walk past." #!String
464: "Flute Block/100/-300/Crafting/Plays a flute sound when you walk past." #!String
465: "Speed-Gro/20/-300/Basic -19/Stimulates leaf production. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 10%. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
466: "Deluxe Speed-Gro/40/-300/Basic -19/Stimulates leaf production. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 25%. Mix into tilled soil." #!String
472: "Parsnip Seeds/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 4 days to mature." #!String
473: "Bean Starter/30/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 10 days to mature, but keeps producing after that. Yields multiple beans per harvest. Grows on a trellis." #!String
474: "Cauliflower Seeds/40/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 12 days to produce a large cauliflower." #!String
475: "Potato Seeds/25/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 6 days to mature, and has a chance of yielding multiple potatoes at harvest." #!String
476: "Garlic Seeds/20/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 4 days to mature." #!String
477: "Kale Seeds/35/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 6 days to mature. Harvest with the scythe." #!String
478: "Rhubarb Seeds/50/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 13 days to mature." #!String
479: "Melon Seeds/40/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 12 days to mature." #!String
480: "Tomato Seeds/25/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 11 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
481: "Blueberry Seeds/40/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 13 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
482: "Pepper Seeds/20/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 5 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
483: "Wheat Seeds/5/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 4 days to mature. Harvest with the scythe." #!String
484: "Radish Seeds/20/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 6 days to mature." #!String
485: "Red Cabbage Seeds/50/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 9 days to mature." #!String
486: "Starfruit Seeds/200/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer. Takes 13 days to mature." #!String
487: "Corn Seeds/75/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer or fall. Takes 14 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
488: "Eggplant Seeds/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 5 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
489: "Artichoke Seeds/15/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 8 days to mature." #!String
490: "Pumpkin Seeds/50/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 13 days to mature." #!String
491: "Bok Choy Seeds/25/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 4 days to mature." #!String
492: "Yam Seeds/30/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 10 days to mature." #!String
493: "Cranberry Seeds/120/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 7 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String
494: "Beet Seeds/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 6 days to mature." #!String
495: "Spring Seeds/35/-300/Seeds -74/An assortment of wild spring seeds." #!String
496: "Summer Seeds/55/-300/Seeds -74/An assortment of wild summer seeds." #!String
497: "Fall Seeds/45/-300/Seeds -74/An assortment of wild fall seeds." #!String
498: "Winter Seeds/30/-300/Seeds -74/An assortment of wild winter seeds." #!String
499: "Ancient Seeds/30/-300/Seeds -74/Could these still grow?" #!String
516: "Small Glow Ring/Emits a small, constant light./100/Ring" #!String
517: "Glow Ring/Emits a constant light./200/Ring" #!String
518: "Small Magnet Ring/Slightly increases your radius for collecting items./100/Ring" #!String
519: "Magnet Ring/Increases your radius for collecting items./200/Ring" #!String
520: "Slime Charmer Ring/Prevents damage from slimes./700/Ring" #!String
521: "Warrior Ring/Occasionally infuses the wearer with \"warrior energy\" after slaying a monster./1500/Ring" #!String
522: "Vampire Ring/Gain a little health every time you slay a monster./1500/Ring" #!String
523: "Savage Ring/Gain a short speed boost whenever you slay a monster./1500/Ring" #!String
524: "Ring of Yoba/Occasionally shields the wearer from damage./1500/Ring" #!String
525: "Sturdy Ring/Cuts the duration of negative status effects in half./1500/Ring" #!String
526: "Burglar's Ring/Monsters have a greater chance of dropping loot./1500/Ring" #!String
527: "Iridium Band/Glows, attracts items, and increases attack damage by 10%./2000/Ring" #!String
528: "Jukebox Ring/Plays a random assortment of music you've heard./200/Ring" #!String
529: "Amethyst Ring/Increases knockback by 10%./200/Ring" #!String
530: "Topaz Ring/Increases weapon precision by 10%./200/Ring" #!String
531: "Aquamarine Ring/Increases critical strike chance by 10%./400/Ring" #!String
532: "Jade Ring/Increases critical strike power by 10%./400/Ring" #!String
533: "Emerald Ring/Increases weapon speed by 10%./600/Ring" #!String
534: "Ruby Ring/Increases attack by 10%./600/Ring" #!String
535: "Geode/50/-300/Basic/A blacksmith can break this open for you./538 542 548 549 552 555 556 557 558 566 568 569 571 574 576 121" #!String
536: "Frozen Geode/100/-300/Basic/A blacksmith can break this open for you./541 544 545 546 550 551 559 560 561 564 567 572 573 577 123" #!String
537: "Magma Geode/150/-300/Basic/A blacksmith can break this open for you./539 540 543 547 553 554 562 563 565 570 575 578 122" #!String
538: "Alamite/150/-300/Minerals -12/Its distinctive fluorescence makes it a favorite among rock collectors." #!String
539: "Bixite/300/-300/Minerals -12/A dark metallic Mineral sought after for its cubic structure." #!String
540: "Baryte/50/-300/Minerals -12/The best specimens resemble a desert rose." #!String
541: "Aerinite/125/-300/Minerals -12/These crystals are curiously light." #!String
542: "Calcite/75/-300/Minerals -12/This yellow crystal is speckled with shimmering nodules." #!String
543: "Dolomite/300/-300/Minerals -12/It can occur in coral reefs, often near an underwater volcano." #!String
544: "Esperite/100/-300/Minerals -12/The crystals glow bright green when stimulated." #!String
545: "Fluorapatite/200/-300/Minerals -12/Small amounts are found in human teeth." #!String
546: "Geminite/150/-300/Minerals -12/Occurs in brilliant clusters." #!String
547: "Helvite/450/-300/Minerals -12/It grows in a triangular column." #!String
548: "Jamborite/150/-300/Minerals -12/The crystals are so tightly packed it almost looks fuzzy." #!String
549: "Jagoite/115/-300/Minerals -12/A high volume of tiny crystals makes it very glittery." #!String
550: "Kyanite/250/-300/Minerals -12/The geometric faces are as smooth as glass." #!String
551: "Lunarite/200/-300/Minerals -12/The cratered white orbs form a tight cluster." #!String
552: "Malachite/100/-300/Minerals -12/A popular ornamental stone, used in sculpture and to make green paint." #!String
553: "Neptunite/400/-300/Minerals -12/A jet-black crystal that is unusually reflective." #!String
554: "Lemon Stone/200/-300/Minerals -12/Some claim the powdered crystal is a dwarvish delicacy." #!String
555: "Nekoite/80/-300/Minerals -12/The delicate shards form a tiny pink meadow." #!String
556: "Orpiment/80/-300/Minerals -12/Despite its high toxicity, this Mineral is widely used in manufacturing and folk medicine." #!String
557: "Petrified Slime/120/-300/Minerals -12/This little guy may be 100,000 years old." #!String
558: "Thunder Egg/100/-300/Minerals -12/According to legend, angry thunder spirits would throw these stones at one another." #!String
559: "Pyrite/120/-300/Minerals -12/Commonly known as \"Fool's Gold\"." #!String
560: "Ocean Stone/220/-300/Minerals -12/An old legend claims these stones are the mosaics of ancient mermaids." #!String
561: "Ghost Crystal/200/-300/Minerals -12/There is an aura of coldness around this crystal." #!String
562: "Tigerseye/275/-300/Minerals -12/A stripe of shimmering gold gives this gem a warm luster." #!String
563: "Jasper/150/-300/Minerals -12/When polished, this stone becomes attactively luminous. Prized by ancient peoples for thousands of years." #!String
564: "Opal/150/-300/Minerals -12/Its internal structure causes it to reflect a rainbow of light." #!String
565: "Fire Opal/350/-300/Minerals -12/A rare variety of opal, named for its red spots." #!String
566: "Celestine/125/-300/Minerals -12/Some early life forms had bones made from this." #!String
567: "Marble/110/-300/Minerals -12/A very popular material for sculptures and construction." #!String
568: "Sandstone/60/-300/Minerals -12/A common type of stone with red and brown striations." #!String
569: "Granite/75/-300/Minerals -12/A speckled Mineral that is commonly used in construction." #!String
570: "Basalt/175/-300/Minerals -12/Forms near searing hot magma." #!String
571: "Limestone/15/-300/Minerals -12/A very common type of stone. It's not worth very much." #!String
572: "Soapstone/120/-300/Minerals -12/Because of its relatively soft consistency, this stone is very popular for carving." #!String
573: "Hematite/150/-300/Minerals -12/An iron-based Mineral with interesting magnetic properties." #!String
574: "Mudstone/25/-300/Minerals -12/A fine-grained rock made from ancient clay or mud." #!String
575: "Obsidian/200/-300/Minerals -12/A volcanic glass that forms when lava cools rapidly." #!String
576: "Slate/85/-300/Minerals -12/It's extremely resistant to water, making it a good roofing material." #!String
577: "Fairy Stone/250/-300/Minerals -12/An old miner's song suggests these are made from the bones of ancient fairies." #!String
578: "Star Shards/500/-300/Minerals -12/No one knows how these form. Some scientists claim that the microscopic structure displays unnatural regularity." #!String
579: "Prehistoric Scapula/100/-300/Arch/Commonly known as a \"shoulder blade\"... It's unclear what species it belonged to./Item 1 289/Town .01" #!String
580: "Prehistoric Tibia/100/-300/Arch/A thick and sturdy leg bone./Item 1 289/Forest .01" #!String
581: "Prehistoric Skull/100/-300/Arch/This is definitely a mammalian skull./Item 1 289/Mountain .01" #!String
582: "Skeletal Hand/100/-300/Arch/It's a wonder all these ancient little pieces lasted so long./Item 1 289/Beach .01" #!String
583: "Prehistoric Rib/100/-300/Arch/Little gouge marks on the side suggest that this rib was someone's dinner./Item 1 289/Farm .01" #!String
584: "Prehistoric Vertebra/100/-300/Arch/A segment of some prehistoric creature's spine./Item 1 289/BusStop .01" #!String
585: "Skeletal Tail/100/-300/Arch/It's pretty short for a tail./Item 1 289/UndergroundMine .01" #!String
586: "Nautilus Shell/80/-300/Arch/This must've washed up ages ago from an ancient coral reef. /Item 1 289/Beach .03" #!String
587: "Amphibian Fossil/150/-300/Arch/The relatively short hind legs suggest some kind of primordial toad./Item 1 289/Forest .01 Mountain .01" #!String
588: "Palm Fossil/100/-300/Arch/Palm Fossils are relatively common, but this happens to be a particularly well-preserved specimen./Item 1 289/Desert .1 Beach .01 Forest .01" #!String
589: "Trilobite/50/-300/Arch/A long extinct relative of the crab./Item 1 289/Beach .03 Mountain .03 Forest .03" #!String
590: "Artifact Spot/0/-300/asdf/Uh... how did you get this in your inventory? Ape made a booboo./Item 1 289/Beach .03 Mountain .03 Forest .03" #!String
591: "Tulip/30/18/Basic -80/The most popular spring flower. Has a very faint sweet smell." #!String
593: "Summer Spangle/90/18/Basic -80/A tropical bloom that thrives in the humid summer air. Has a sweet, tangy aroma." #!String
595: "Fairy Rose/290/18/Basic -80/An old folk legend suggests that the sweet smell of this flower attracts fairies." #!String
597: "Blue Jazz/50/18/Basic -80/The flower grows in a sphere to invite as many butterflies as possible." #!String
599: "Sprinkler/100/-300/Crafting -8/Waters the 4 adjacent tiles every morning." #!String
604: "Plum Pudding/260/70/Cooking -7/A traditional holiday treat./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
605: "Artichoke Dip/210/40/Cooking -7/It's cool and refreshing./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
606: "Stir Fry/335/80/Cooking -7/Julienned vegetables on a bed of rice./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
607: "Roasted Hazelnuts/270/70/Cooking -7/The roasting process creates a rich forest flavor./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
608: "Pumpkin Pie/385/90/Cooking -7/Silky pumpkin cream in a flakey crust./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
609: "Radish Salad/300/80/Cooking -7/The radishes are so crisp!/food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
610: "Fruit Salad/480/105/Cooking -7/A delicious combination of summer fruits./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
611: "Blackberry Cobbler/260/70/Cooking -7/There's nothing quite like it./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
612: "Cranberry Candy/230/50/Cooking -7/It's sweet enough to mask the bitter fruit./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
613: "Apple/100/15/Basic -79/A crisp fruit used for juice and cider." #!String
618: "Bruschetta/210/45/Cooking -7/Roasted tomatoes on a crisp white bread./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
621: "Quality Sprinkler/450/-300/Crafting -8/Waters the 8 adjacent tiles every morning." #!String
628: "Cherry Sapling/850/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature cherry tree. Bears fruit in the spring. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
629: "Apricot Sapling/500/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature Apricot tree. Bears fruit in the spring. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
630: "Orange Sapling/1000/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature Orange tree. Bears fruit in the summer. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
631: "Peach Sapling/1500/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature Peach tree. Bears fruit in the summer. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
632: "Pomegranate Sapling/1500/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature Pomegranate tree. Bears fruit in the fall. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
633: "Apple Sapling/1000/-300/Basic -74/Takes 28 days to produce a mature Apple tree. Bears fruit in the fall. Only grows if the 8 surrounding \"tiles\" are empty." #!String
634: "Apricot/50/15/Basic -79/A tender little fruit with a rock-hard pit." #!String
635: "Orange/100/15/Basic -79/Juicy, tangy, and bursting with sweet summer aroma." #!String
636: "Peach/140/15/Basic -79/It's almost fuzzy to the touch." #!String
637: "Pomegranate/140/15/Basic -79/Within the fruit are clusters of juicy seeds." #!String
638: "Cherry/80/15/Basic -79/It's popular, and ripens sooner than most other fruits." #!String
645: "Iridium Sprinkler/1000/-300/Crafting -8/Waters the 24 adjacent tiles every morning." #!String
648: "Coleslaw/345/85/Cooking -7/It's light, fresh and very healthy./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
649: "Fiddlehead Risotto/350/90/Cooking -7/A creamy rice dish served with sauteed fern heads. It's a little bland./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
651: "Poppyseed Muffin/250/60/Cooking -7/It has a soothing effect./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
668: "Stone/0/15/Basic/There's stone ore in this stone." #!String
670: "Stone/0/15/Basic/There's stone ore in this stone." #!String
674: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
675: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
676: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
677: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
678: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
679: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
680: "Green Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String
681: "Rain Totem/20/-300/Crafting/Activate to greatly increase the chance for rain tomorrow. Consumed on use." #!String
682: "Mutant Carp/1000/10/Fish -4/The strange waters of the sewer turned this carp into a monstrosity./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
684: "Bug Meat/8/-300/Basic -28/It's a juicy wad of bug flesh." #!String
685: "Bait/1/-300/Basic -21/Causes fish to bite faster. Must first be attached to a fishing rod." #!String
686: "Spinner/250/-300/Basic -22/The shape makes it spin around in the water. Slightly increases the bite-rate when fishing." #!String
687: "Dressed Spinner/500/-300/Basic -22/The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing." #!String
688: "Warp Totem: Farm/20/-300/Crafting/Warp directly to your house. Consumed on use." #!String
689: "Warp Totem: Mountains/20/-300/Crafting/Warp directly to the mountains. Consumed on use." #!String
690: "Warp Totem: Beach/20/-300/Crafting/Warp directly to the beach. Consumed on use." #!String
691: "Barbed Hook/500/-300/Basic -22/Makes your catch more secure, causing the \"fishing bar\" to cling to your catch. Works best on slow, weak fish." #!String
692: "Lead Bobber/250/-300/Basic -22/Adds weight to your \"fishing bar\", preventing it from bouncing along the bottom." #!String
693: "Treasure Hunter/250/-300/Basic -22/Fish don't escape while collecting treasures. Also slightly increases the chance to find treasures." #!String
694: "Trap Bobber/200/-300/Basic -22/Causes fish to escape slower when you aren't reeling them in." #!String
695: "Cork Bobber/250/-300/Basic -22/Slightly increases the size of your \"fishing bar\"." #!String
698: "Sturgeon/200/10/Fish -4/An ancient bottom-feeder with a dwindling population. Females can live up to 150 years./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
699: "Tiger Trout/150/10/Fish -4/A rare hybrid trout that cannot bear offspring of its own./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
700: "Bullhead/75/10/Fish -4/A relative of the catfish that eats a variety of foods off the lake bottom./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
701: "Tilapia/75/10/Fish -4/A primarily vegetarian fish that prefers warm water./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
702: "Chub/50/10/Fish -4/A common freshwater fish known for its voracious appetite./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
703: "Magnet/15/-300/Basic -21/Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. However, fish aren't crazy about the taste." #!String
704: "Dorado/100/10/Fish -4/A fierce carnivore with brilliant orange scales./Day^Summer" #!String
705: "Albacore/75/10/Fish -4/Prefers tempurature \"edges\" where cool and warm water meet./Day^Spring Fall" #!String
706: "Shad/60/10/Fish -4/Lives in a school at sea, but returns to the rivers to spawn./Day^Spring Summer Fall" #!String
707: "Lingcod/120/10/Fish -4/A fearsome predator that will eat almost anything it can cram into its mouth./Day^Fall" #!String
708: "Halibut/80/10/Fish -4/A flat fish that lives on the ocean floor./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
709: "Hardwood/15/-300/Basic -16/A special kind of wood with superior strength and beauty." #!String
710: "Crab Pot/50/-300/Crafting/Place it in the water, load it with bait, and check the next day to see if you've caught anything. Works in streams, lakes, and the ocean." #!String
715: "Lobster/120/-300/Fish -4/A large ocean-dwelling crustacean with a strong tail./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
716: "Crayfish/75/-300/Fish -4/A small freswhater relative of the lobster./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
717: "Crab/100/-300/Fish -4/A marine crustacean with two powerful pincers./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
718: "Cockle/50/-300/Fish -4/A common saltwater clam./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
719: "Mussel/30/-300/Fish -4/A common bivalve that often lives in clusters./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
720: "Shrimp/60/-300/Fish -4/A scavenger that feeds off the ocean floor. Widely prized for its meat./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
721: "Snail/65/-300/Fish -4/A wide-ranging mollusc that lives in a spiral shell./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
722: "Periwinkle/20/-300/Fish -4/A tiny freshwater snail that lives in a blue shell./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
723: "Oyster/40/-300/Fish -4/Constantly filters water to find food. In the process, it removes dangerous toxins from the environment./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
724: "Maple Syrup/200/20/Basic -27/A sweet syrup with a unique flavor./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
725: "Oak Resin/150/-300/Basic -27/A sticky, fragrant substance derived from oak sap." #!String
726: "Pine Tar/100/-300/Basic -27/A pungent substance derived from pine sap." #!String
727: "Chowder/135/90/Cooking -7/A perfect way to warm yourself after a cold night at sea./food/0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
728: "Fish Stew/175/90/Cooking -7/It smells a lot like the sea. Tastes better, though./food/0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
729: "Escargot/125/90/Cooking -7/Butter-soaked snails cooked to perfection./food/0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
730: "Lobster Bisque/205/90/Cooking -7/This delicate soup is a secret family recipe of Willy's./food/0 3 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0/0" #!String
731: "Maple Bar/300/90/Cooking -7/It's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze./food/1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
732: "Crab Cakes/275/90/Cooking -7/Crab, bread crumbs, and egg formed into patties then fried to a golden brown./food/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/0" #!String
734: "Woodskip/75/10/Fish -4/A very sensitive fish that can only live in pools deep in the forest./Day^Spring Summer" #!String
745: "Strawberry Seeds/0/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in spring. Takes 8 days to mature, and keeps producing strawberries after that." #!String
746: "Jack-O-Lantern/0/-300/Crafting -8/A whimsical fall decoration." #!String
747: "Rotten Plant/0/-300/Basic -20/Decomposing organic material. It's slimy and unpleasant." #!String
748: "Rotten Plant/0/-300/Basic -20/Decomposing organic material. It's slimy and unpleasant." #!String
749: "Omni Geode/0/-300/Basic/A blacksmith can break this open for you. These geodes contain a wide variety of Minerals./538 542 548 549 552 555 556 557 558 566 568 569 571 574 576 541 544 545 546 550 551 559 560 561 564 567 572 573 577 539 540 543 547 553 554 562 563 565 570 575 578 121 122 123" #!String
750: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
751: "Stone/0/15/Basic/There's copper ore in this stone." #!String
760: "Stone/0/15/Basic/.." #!String
762: "Stone/0/15/Basic/.." #!String
764: "Stone/0/15/Basic/gold ore" #!String
765: "Stone/0/15/Basic/iridium ore" #!String
766: "Slime/5/-300/Basic -28/A shimmering, gelatinous glob with no smell." #!String
767: "Bat Wing/15/-300/Basic -28/The material is surprisingly delicate." #!String
768: "Solar Essence/40/-300/Basic -28/The glowing face is warm to the touch." #!String
769: "Void Essence/50/-300/Basic -28/It's quivering with dark energy." #!String
770: "Mixed Seeds/0/-300/Seeds -74/There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!" #!String
771: "Fiber/1/-300/Basic -16/Raw material sourced from plants." #!String
772: "Oil of Garlic/1000/80/Cooking -7/Drink this and weaker monsters will avoid you./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
773: "Life Elixir/500/80/Cooking -7/Restores health to full./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String
774: "Wild Bait/15/-300/Basic -21/A unique recipe from Linus. It appeals to all fish." #!String
775: "Glacierfish/1000/10/Fish -4/Builds a nest on the underside of glaciers./Day^Winter" #!String
784: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
785: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
786: "Weeds/0/15/Basic/Ugly weeds." #!String
787: "Battery Pack/500/-300/Basic -16/It's fully charged with precious energy." #!String
788: "Lost Axe/0/-300/Quest/Robin's been looking everywhere for it." #!String
789: "Lucky Purple Shorts/0/-300/Quest/Better not inspect these too closely." #!String
790: "Berry Basket/0/-300/Quest/The fibers are stained with berry juice." #!String