a wifi lock and other fixes
if the 'wake/wifi locks on service start' option is selected both wake and wifi locks will be applied on service start.
the wifi lock prevents the wifi radio from sleeping, and the KMS server (vlmcsd) will respond immediately to an activation request, even after a long period of inactivity.
the service should run indefinitely whether plugged in or on battery power.
without a wifi lock it may take several successive activation attempts to wake the wifi radio and activate.
fixed the nonfunctional checkboxes on some of the api 14+ main layouts.
there are two APK packs included in the download:
pack 1: api 9+, target api 25 - built with Android Studio 2.3.3.
pack 2: api 14+, target api 27 - built with Android Studio 3.0.1.
these are very similar, but the 14+ version uses the most up to date build system (Gradle 3.0.1). Use the one that works best for you.
to do - I think that logging in Android 6+ is not fully functional. I'm looking into it.