德國(guó)人說(shuō):“小孩踢上足球可以成為大人,大人踢上足球可以成為紳士”。German said: "The kids play on the football can become adults, adults play on the football can be a gentleman."
unity is strength.that is an old CHINESE saying,but now it is a well-spread phrese among our whole world!
bacon once said unity is the key to sucess,and it does.。
Football itself is fun, and team spirit is the soul of football.A game without a team of hard work and good players it is difficult to rival.German football has always been known as a team, the Dutch Code of Practice for the entire attack, the Argentine master of the steel.Team spirit is the true essence of football.In fact, for a team, the most dangerous thing was internal discord and internal unity, will be able to conquering, internal discord, and your spirit is bound to damage the enemy without fighting the soldiers.Team members need both good charge forward, also need excellent leadership strategist.Enhance the standard rules