殺戮空間2帶給玩家的是一款非常經(jīng)典的游戲內(nèi)容,你將在游戲中展開一場廝殺,體驗多種游戲方式以及內(nèi)容,今天小編就為大家?guī)?strong>殺戮空間2游戲進不去怎么辦 正版跳出不能開始游戲的解決方法
殺戮空間2游戲進不去怎么辦 正版跳出不能開始游戲的解決方法:
1)刪除你的文檔/我的游戲/殺死地板2 /文件夾目錄完全
2)驗證蒸汽緩存。右鍵單擊KF2蒸汽庫>屬性> > [驗證]本地文件的完整性
2.1)對于一個更深的驗證嘗試刪除SteamApps /普通/ killingfloor2 /二進制文件的文件夾以及/ kfgame / brewedpc / globalshadercache和localshadercache。斌。UPK文件之前,你驗證的完整性
4)運行.exe redist文件位于SteamApps /普通/ killingfloor2 / _commonredist位置
KillingFloor2 crash - Game .exe has stopped working or hang on launchThe most common cause of this is corrupt files in the user directory or missing prerequisite files. Please try the following:
1) Delete your documents/my games/Killing Floor 2/ folder directory completely
2) Verify Steam cache. Right-click on KF2 in Steam Library > Properties > Local Files > [Verify Integrity]
2.1) For a deeper verification try deleting your steamapps/common/killingfloor2/binaries folder as well as the /KFGame/BrewedPC/ GlobalShaderCache and LocalShaderCache .bin and .upk files before you verify integrity
3) The game may be trying to compile shaders if it appears to hang on launch. You can check for this by looking for a shadercompiler.exe in your Task Manager. If you find it, waiting for the process to finish should allow the game to launch as normal.
4) Running the .exe redist files located in your SteamApps/common/killingfloor2/_CommonRedist location
5) Update any device drivers you have to the latest available
6) Disconnect USB controllers and other HID devices except for keyboard and mouse
7) Restart Steam client
8) Launch Steam (or set the game .exe) to launch as an Administrator
9) Turn off DxTory
10) Change your Steam avatar icon to a Steam default one
You will also want to try the following launch options (via Steam properties for the game):